From what I can see and what I know is that my creature has basically learned a lot from the poor family. He learned how to read, write, and the meanings of things. He learned over all how to live. He watched them and seeing what they did day in and day out he started to do his own thing like they were. He taught himself how to read and write once he saw what it was. He realizes how he should be taking care of himself like they were. When he reads the story Paradise lost he learns about Adam and his life. Adam was made to be the first one on earth. God made him so god was his creator. Once my monster had read the book Paradise Lost he realizes that he and Adam relate because they are both creatures that are made and both are out casts in the world. He then realizes when Adam asks for a mate because he feels like an outcast he starts to think and he knows he’s an outcast. So then my monster himself decides to ask me to make him a mate. Make him another one of his kind so is he isn’t so lonely and the only one. So he isn’t an outcast any more. My first reaction to him wanting another companion and another mate is no. I said no right from the jump. I had already made one monster and raised the dead I wasn’t making another! but then he asked me to just listen to his reasoning and his story please. So I did. I wasnt going to be mean an not at least listen to his reasoning. He went on to tell me why he wanted a mate. He said he wanted a mate so that he could be like Adam and didn't have to be alone. So he didn't have to be an out cast anymore and didn't feel so alone in life.

Andy Schoenborn
1/10/2013 01:55:05 am

Hi Jennifer,

This post captures the recollection of what the creature shared with Victor well. Nice work.


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